This is an amendment to yesterday's post. You could probably tell I was leaning toward staying here in this house. But I'm back on the other side of the fence now. We do want a business. That much is true. But I failed to mention my domestic side. I want a nice home and a bigger family. I want a home I can be comfortable in and be proud to call my own. I want a home big enough to entertain in. And a big yard that my kids can run a muck in. In a neighborhood that I don't have to worry about our tires getting slashed for no reason (again) I know what we should do. But I'm impatient and I worry about money. So yesterday's post was from my selfish side. If I didn't have children it would be fine to stay here. But there is so much that my kids need that we don't have here and I know they want a new house.
I also forgot to mention the 3rd choice in all of this. Hunky Hubby commutes an hour and a half everyday to and then from Arkansas. His company pays for the gas for his company vehicle. They want us to move to Arkansas. We're not sure if we should. But this company has been more than kind to us. They pay our insurance. Which would be $100 a week otherwise. Last year after Hubby left that job for a job that would have at least quadrupled his pay, they welcomed him back with open arms when the other job wasn't working out. And on top of that, they gave him a raise from what he'd been making before and started everything strait up like he had never been gone. He could never find another company like this. And he actually LIKES what he does. Also, it's been said that when another shop is opened in Arkansas, the current AR boss will take that over and he wants Hubby to take over and be in charge of this one. That's a nice promotion! Not to mention, how great it is that he's thought of so highly in this company. So, if you would pray for guidance for us, I would be so grateful! Thank you!!!
Prayers coming your way!! Where in AR?? Maybe close to me!!! :)
Around the Rogers/Bentonville area.
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