Well the batteries are charging so I should be able to get some pics of the house up sometime tomorrow.
Wow! These past few months have just flown by! It's seems like it was just a few days ago that we came and looked at this house for the first time! And we loved it from the start. There's so much room in here! Actually, it's 800 square feet bigger than our old house. Both kids have their own room and so do we! (Anya used to be in our room) It's in a quiet country neighborhood. We have neighbors on both sides but none in front or back of us. It's so quiet. Except the sound of the occasional fire truck. The local fire department is only about a block away. But I've gotten used to it. We were smack dab in the middle of town in our old house. I heard tons of sirens. We have a really big yard. Which is awesome! There's even a small bricked-in fire pit in the back. Which I didn't even know was there until about a week after we moved in! I plan on using that alot this fall. I am so looking forward to this holiday season in our new home!
We've started homeschooling. After the first week I was ready to put him in public school though. And that's something I really didn't want to do. I was working with a modge podge of partially used hand-me-down curriculums...(or is it curriculi?) I was getting frustrated and he wasn't learning. Anyway, thankfully I decided to seek out the advice of an experienced homeschooler before doing anything rash. She told me I needed more structure. So I invested in a brand new curriculum. I got the first grade curriculum from Christian Liberty Press and I am LOVING it! It's layed out so nicely so I'm not getting confused and Noah seems to like it too and is doing really good! And it was under $200 for the whole kit!
We've also started our homeschool group at church. We're called the Kingdom Builders Homeschool Group. This is the first year they've done it. Before the school year started we only had about 17 kids in the group. Now I think we have 24. It just keeps growing. It's so awesome! We have prechool age to, I think 10th grade is our highest. We meet every Friday and do something fun and educational. Actually our first meeting was a community service one. The kids helped clean up around the outside of the church. Everyone down to the kindergartners helped out! Then we went to the park and had a picnic. It was alot of fun! Last week everyone got to paint a ME-shirt. They all painted t-shirts to represent who they were. It was so cute to watch the little ones and the big ones are really talented and creative! Next week we're going to a fish hatchery, which should be interesting. And in October, we're going on a day trip to the Tulsa Zoo. We're all very excited about that!
Oh yeah, And I think we're going to try for another baby.....more on that later. TTFN!!!
A new baby!!?!?! Holy Moly! Lots of new and exciting things.
Glad you had some "sense" talked into you about homeschooling. lol It can be hard, but once you get your nitch, it goes so much easier. You will find it--- just be consistent.
I am excited about your home. I wanna see BUNCHES of pics. :)
Your home sounds fabulous, and the homeschooling sounds like it is working well.
Here in England, I do not think there are many parents who home school their children, which is a shame really, as the children can pick up some nasty habits, and make unsuitable friends at school.
I totally agree, Melanie! That's a big reason I chose to homeschool. There may be socialization at public school, but many times it is not good socialization.
Wow girl, it sounds wonderful! Glad you are all moved in and happy, and that HSing is going well for you now! :)
I totally agree Marietta.
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