Monday, August 24, 2009

A Fresh New Day!

It's a beautiful, sunny day! The sun is warm and the air is cool. My big girl is working on her schoolwork and singing about Jesus. My baby girl is napping. My little man is at school. I'm looking forward to the day when I can take him out of there for good.

I had an encounter with God last night at church. It wasn't as powerful as I had hoped. But God's power isn't what I needed. What I needed was His love...and that's what I got. He wrapped His big strong arms around me. It wasn't the "Wham! I'm God and I'm here!" that I thought I needed. It was Him telling me "Be still and know that I am God...I'm your Daddy and I love you." I feel like just the past few weeks I've been really seeing Him as Abba, Father. I've always know He was my King and even my Friend. But never totally felt the Father in Him. I just want to crawl up in His lap and feel the love and peace He brings. And that's what happened last night. I feel new today....I was feeling so baby, cantankerous 3 year old, a house that won't clean itself when I can't find the time. But He brought me a peace and a restfulness that I haven't felt in a long time. I feel like He's bringing me into a new stage of my life. I feel like I may be growing up a little. Learning to appreciate the little things in life. Learning to rest in His love and truly see the beauty in all that He's created. Learning that, even though things don't look clear, He is in control. He knows what He's doing. And He knows the end result. He will take my hand and bring me safely to the other side of every situation, good or bad. I just have to trust Him and obey Him, and let Him take the lead. It's not my life anymore. It never really was. I just liked pretending it was. Holding onto it for dear life. I let Him have some of it. But some is not enough. He has to have every bit of it to really do a work in me. So I'm giving it to Him. Some things are harder to let go of than others...but my grip is getting looser. He's helping me to be strong. The work on me will never be done until I am in Heaven with Him. But He can do alot more work on me when I cooperate. So that's what I'm doing! I can't wait to see what He's got in store for tonight's service!

Okay, I know I've rambled on and on...but that's just what's on my mind and my heart right now.

Take care! And may our Father in Heaven be with you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY August 20, 2009...

Outside my window... a fall-like coolness, grass soaked by a recent downpour, bright green moss growing on a long dead tree that still stands, the smell and feel of summer beginning to come to a close.

I am thinking... About how we tend to overlook the little things. How what could be seen as an adventure is most often seen troublesome or mundane. How I need to start being more of a "glass half full" type of person and learn to appriciate every moment.

I am thankful for... a hubby that cares enough to suprise me with a lunchtime visit, children that love to hug and kiss their new baby sister, the comfort that comes from a sleeping baby in your lap, getting caught in a downpour at the most inopportune moment and still being able to laugh about it and a good cup of coffee....

From the learning rooms... Anya is working on her colors and shapes, what is bigger and smaller, longer and shorter. Noah was excited about going to his second day of first grade.

From the kitchen... coffee's been brewed, last night's dinner dishes in the sink, waiting to be attended to....

I am wearing... a yellow t-shirt with a white butterfly and pink flowers on it and jeans.

I am creating... a new schedule to keep me on track

I am going... to our friend's house tonight...we're all very excited! There's so much life over's because there's so much God over there! Not to mention all the people! (there are 9 people in their family) I love it!!!

I am reading... emails from my momma! I love chatting with her in the mornings!

I am hoping... it doesn't get hot again. I am SOOO done with summer!!!

I am hearing... birds chirping outside, cars passing on the nearby highway, my little girl asking questions about her school work, my baby making sweet squeaky noises in her sleep.

Around the house... Anya's sitting next to me tracing squares, Maegan is sleeping on my lap. The rest of the house is quiet.

A few plans for the rest of the week: going to our friend's house tonight and hubby may be going to Kansas City this weekend.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

I love that Anya is such a Daddy's Girl! That's the way it should be!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gonna be a good day, Tater!

Just me and my girls today. I miss my guys though. But I feel pretty relaxed right now. Which hasn't happened in a while. Anya's working on some school work. Maegan is napping. I got my coffee and my windows open. It feels like fall outside! Already got my dishes done and my laundry going. I feel pretty good today!
I took Noah to school this morning. He had his backpack full of school supplies, his lunchbox and a bag full of he kleenexes and what not that they wanted us to buy. And he had only been to his class once before. But even with all that, he insisted he didn't need help and just wanted me to drop him off. My little Mr. Independant! He's getting so big, so fast! I sure am going to miss him! But I will definitely enjoy my days with just us girls. I will also enjoy the lack of fighting that almost accompanies Noah and Anya's playtime. Although, last night, they played very well together.
I hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Such a big boy!

Noah at about 2 years old.......

Noah, just a few weeks ago with his baby sister! (Age 7 1/2)

My baby boy starts first grade tomorrow! (although it should be second grade) I'm going to miss the little guy! He's so excited though! We met his teacher tonight at the open house. She seems nice enough. Better that his teacher last year. She was old and grumpy. So hopefully it will be a good year. Or half a year anyway. My plan is to be ready to homeschool him by Christmas. I am determined!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well, I have to send my son back to school this year. :( At least for a while. Hubby says so. He wants to see how it goes and if I can start making more of my time around here.

I need to get a schedule in place and actually go by it. I'm very scatterbrained, so if I don't have something telling me what to do, I won't get anything done. I need to spend less time online, too. It sucks my time up like it's nothing. I will still be starting Anya on pre-k stuff. And hopefully I can still go to our homeschool group on Fridays. I'm going to show my hubby that I can do it and then I'm going to take Noah out of that government indoctrination center and teach him at home as God intended!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY August 16, 2009...

Outside my window... Trees swaying in the breeze...a lonely swingset, left vacant because of the heat

I am thinking... About how much God has blessed me and how I long to become the woman He wants me to be.

I am thankful for... A God that loves me for who I am but isn't content to leave me this way. Who is continually challenging me and changing me for His will and His purpose.

From the learning rooms... getting ready to start my daughter on pre-K stuff and possibly my son on 1st/2nd grade stuff. He also wants to learn to play the guitar.

From the kitchen... needs attention....

I am wearing... Black slacks and a hot pink blouse

I am creating... just ideas for new photomanipulations I can do.

I am going... back to church in about 2 hours.. :)

I am reading... Anything I can find on homeschooling and am really wanting to start reading Scarlet Feather again if I can find it.
I am hoping... That God does something fantastic tonight!!

I am hearing... hubby playing with the 2 older kids and the gentle sucking noise from the baby and her pacifier.

Around the house... needs a major tidying....having a 6 week old, I can't get much done...

One of my favorite things... just spending time with my hubby

A few plans for the rest of the week: cleaning this house and hopefully working on lesson plans

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

My baby girl goofing around at the park!

If you want to take part in the daybook, visit the Simple Woman's blog

Friday, August 14, 2009

So much going on!!!

First off, here is Noah and Anya with their new baby sister Maegan. She was born on July 3rd at 8:24pm. She was 8lbs 14oz and 21 3/4 in. at birth. As of her 5 week appt. (she's 6 weeks now) she was 12lbs 11oz and 23 in. She eats all the time. She a good baby. The only thing that makes her mad is not getting fed as soon as she's ready for it. We just love her to pieces!
Well, the restaurant our bead shop was in closed. So we are closed for the moment too. But we are going to try to put the shop in the back of our house. As long as we don't have any problems with zoning, it's going to be awesome. We can be open more than just the weekends and it will allow for more family time since we won't have to leave the house to run it.
And I am thinking about homeschooling Noah again. I didn't want to put him in school in the first place. He wants to be homeschooled too. And I truly believe it's what God wants. So it should be an easy decision. Hubby says he'll support it as long as I'll do it this time. I slacked off too much last year. Partly because I was sick with the pregnancy and partly because I was lazy and bored. The curriculum didn't hold Noah's interest or mine.This time I'm looking into a more relaxed/eclectic homeschooling with some unit studies incorperated in.
God's really been doing some stuff in me. I had alot of yuck to dig out...still do, but He's getting the job done. It'd be done alot faster if I was more cooperative. I have a hard time letting go sometimes. But I'm getting there. He's been doing alot in my hubby too. I will post more about all that later. That's all for now.